Wednesday, January 19, 2011

A Prayer and Blessing

We approach this new year with hope. Guide us as we prepare for the plans and challenges of this year. Help us in times of uncertainty and desperation. Be our light and our life, or, more accurately, help us to see that you already are. Bring us low when we are full of our own seeming accomplishments and lift us up when Satan hurls lies at us. Be with those who work. Give them peace and wisdom in their pursuits and give them joy in their toil. Let their work bring glory to your name. Be with those who study. Give them patience and passion. Let their thirst be more for you than simple knowledge. And be with those who have nothing. Let them be comforted by you and let your people come to their aid.

May you let nothing stand in the way of God's glory, neither ambition nor apathy, great success or despair, others or yourself. May you be more than a light to the world, but also a warmth and the very aroma of Christ that those around you may not only see him but feel him with their being. May you love violently and unconditionally so much that the world cannot help but know that love must come from someone greater.


Kayla said...

I'm commenting, so you can't complain that I never comment. Although, I don't see you commenting very often on my blog. :)

Great words. Thanks for sharing.

Sallie said...

A great prayer to start the new year! Thanks!