Thursday, June 17, 2010


Here's another Facebook double dip for your enjoyment:

I will not simply be a tumbleweed.

Can you name the plants that become tumbleweeds? You nerds who can just be quiet for now. Now, think about this sad fact of the existence of tumbleweeds. They remain completely unknown and irrelevant until they die and then they are regarded as having value and interest.

I am not talking about making a name for myself.

I am not talking about being the best or the brightest.

I am talking about living.

When I think back on my activities this past week, month, or year I feel that I spent the majority of my time dead. Doing nothing except waiting for the day that I dry up and begin my bounding, rolling journey as a ghost town attraction and occasional Abilene entertainment. In short, waiting to be a tumbleweed.

Don’t get me wrong. Being a tumbleweed is the inevitable end. We are destined to reach that state of rolling excitement, detached from the earth and thrust into a new life so full of energy and change. I look forward to it.


Every tumbleweed was a plant once. Every plant was created for a reason. The tumbling demise of these plants, while much greater than life in the ground, is not the reason.

And so I will live today as a plant. I will make the most of this day. I will grow and I will stand.

Eventually I will tumble from this earth. Until then, there’s much to do.

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